Transforming Lives,

One Behavior at a Time!

child building an four boxes
child building an four boxes

Our Mission

To embody the compassionate spirit of service exemplified in Matthew 25:40. We are dedicated to providing Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services with integrity, empathy, and excellence to individuals and families in need.

Our commitment is to serve 'the least of these' with unwavering dedication, recognizing that every individual deserves the utmost respect, support, and care. Through our personalized approach and evidence-based practices, we strive to empower each person we serve to reach their fullest potential, fostering positive growth, and meaningful change in their lives. By fulfilling our mission, we honor the call to serve others as we would serve our King.

Potty Training
child playing game on white ipad
child playing game on white ipad
ABA Therapy
Parent Consultation/Adovacy
Our Services
Proverbs 31:8

"Speak out on behalf of the voiceless, and for the rights of all who are vulnerable."

Getting Started

girl with paint of body
girl with paint of body

Your child is unique and we understand that. At Blessed Behavior, our approach is tailored to your child's specific needs to help them flourish and succeed. Our team members are truly passionate and exceed their qualifications through experience and knowledge to bring the best out of your child.

We want the best for your child. Let's flourish together!

Get Started in 4 easy steps

Step 1: Consultation

Step 2: Insurance Verification

Step 3: Assessment/Intake

Step 4: Begin Services at Blessed Behavior!

You didn’t come this far to stop.

Get the quality you deserve!